Friday, August 10, 2012

Monkey madness!

So my good friend Michelle was trying to entertain me today. Her suggestion was to make a speed yarnbomb. And then some how the idea of monkeys got suggested for the monkey bars at a local playground.
So in a quickly 2 and a half hours, I produced this monkey.

And now we are off to bomb said monkey to the playground monkey bars!
I will write more when I return!
I have returned!
And I had a really great time! I forget sometimes how much I love playgrounds at night. So different than when it's day out.
Here is my monkey hanging out on the monkey bars.

And Michelle's Orangutan on the monkey bars!

These are our super speedy yarn bomb monkeys.
I am so lucky to have supportive friend who want to encourage me and participate with me in yarn bombing!
I hope you like the monkey madness!

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