Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I made an Infographic about Yarn Bombing!

I made this infograph at
I thought seeing how much I had accomplished in a certain amount of time would be really interesting to see. And it was! It was also fun to go back through my blog and count all the yarn bombs. I had to estimate, as some of the yarn bombs I have done I have not photographed and others come in multiple parts, so do you count them individually or as a whole? Not to mention, some of the yarn bombs I have done count only as one, but they were months and months of hard work and hours spent on them.

So really, this graphic doesn't tell you a lot. Then again, that's what this blog is for tho; to tell you about all the yarn bombs this graph sums up in numbers with pictures and words.
I hope this interested you, and maybe you'll wanna go back and look at all my yarnbombs too.

1 comment:

  1. hey!

    we would be happy to look at your proposal for the integrate arts festival! spread the word as well, we want to find unique (guerilla) artists like yourself.

    also, we like yarn bombing. also, we like infographics about yarn bombing. get in touch! (having a meeting tonight so ideally send us any ideas by 6 pm if possible :)

