Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not quite

This isn't a yarnbomb.
The weather here has been miserable! I haven't wanted to leave my bed.
And school has eaten up all my time that I could have been crocheting.
So today, with the foot of snow that found it's way all over my doorstep preventing me from going about my day, I decided to try my hand amigurumi again.
I had been inspired previously on my google reader and at my local library my food amigurumi. So I decided to make a delicious looking Hamburger.

Notice the mustard and ketchup? XD
I am gonna pretend it's a veggie burger too.

The lettuce was fun to make. I almost thought of making a pickle for it as well, but I decided not to over complicate my first attempt.
Well, what do you think?
I think it looks good enough to eat XDD

1 comment:

  1. I LIKE it, what fun. Maybe too cold to do yarnbombing, but this could be left (tied down) on an outdoor cafe table :)
